The 2021-22 Federal Budget: Government & Regulators

New compliance requirements for NFP income tax exemptions

Date of Effect - 1 July 2023

The Government will invest $1.9m for the ATO to build an online system to enhance the transparency of income tax exemptions claimed by not-for-profit entities (NFPs).

Currently non-charitable NFPs can self-assess their eligibility for income tax exemptions, without an obligation to report to the ATO. From 1 July 2023, the ATO will require income tax exempt NFPs with an active Australian Business Number (ABN) to submit online annual self-review forms with the information they ordinarily use to self-assess their eligibility for the exemption. This measure will ensure that only eligible NFPs are accessing income tax exemptions.

Government, the digital economy and digital security

As part of its Digital Economy Strategy package, the Government has committed to invest in the frameworks and infrastructure to strength the security of data, manage consumer rights, and enhance the Government’s interaction.

  • Networks and cybersecurity – over $50m has been committed to strengthen the rollout of 5G and 6G mobile networks, develop a National Data Security Action Plan, improve the resilience of Government infrastructure using Cyber Hubs, and $16.4m to improve mobile connectivity in bushfire peri-urban prone areas.

  • $500m on myGov and My Health Record – the Government will overhaul myGov – now the primary access point for Government services, and My Health Record - adding support for COVID-19 testing and vaccinations, connecting Residential Aged Care Facilities and connecting specialists in private practice and delivering improved telehealth, emerging virtual healthcare initiatives and digitised support across all stages of healthcare.

  • Data security and rights - $113m to delivering Australia’s first data strategy to bring data management and regulation up to speed with technology, expansion of data rights to energy industry (launched in banking in 2021), and the development of a 3D Australian ‘digital atlas’.

$850m to protect and develop farming

A package of measures is aimed at protecting and enhancing the farming sector, much of it focussed on biosecurity and stewardship. Specific initiatives relate to African Swine Fever and the Khapra Beetle, but much of the package is in the development of biosecurity diagnostic tools and analytics across multiple contact points – cargo, international mail, air travellers, container cargo.

Measures include:

  • $400.1 million to strengthen biosecurity;

  • $32.1 million to extend opportunities to reward farmers for the stewardship of their land;

  • $29.8 million to grow the agricultural workforce;

  • $15.0 million to improve trade and market access; and

  • $129.8 million to deliver a National Soils Strategy.

Gas fired recovery

The Government has committed to $58.6 million to support key gas infrastructure projects and unlock new gas supply.

COVID-19 vaccine response

The Government will provide $1.9 billion over five years from 2020-21 to distribute and administer COVID-19 vaccines to residents of Australia.

Women’s safety

The Government has committed $998.1 million over four years for initiatives to reduce, and support the victims of Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence (FDSV) against women and children. Initiatives include a new National Partnership with the states and territories to expand the funding of frontline FDSV support Services, $5,000 grants for women fleeing domestic violence, programs to support refugee and migrant women, programs to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and children who have experienced or are experiencing family violence, along with a range of prevention campaigns.

Funding has also been provided for vulnerable women and children accessing the legal system and family support services.

Response to aged care

As previously announced, the Government has committed a $17.7 billion whole-of-government response to the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety to improve safety and quality and the availability of aged care services. This includes:

  • $6.5 billion will be spent over four years to release 80,000 additional home care packages over two years from 2021-22 – bringing the total number to 275,598 by June 2023.

  • Just under $700 million to improve access and infrastructure

  • $783 million to provide greater access to respite care services and payments to support carers

  • $272.5 million for dedicated face to face support services to navigate the aged care system

  • $365.7 million to support health care within aged care facilities

  • $200 million for a new rating system of aged care providers

  • $3.9 billion to increase front line care

  • $3.2 billion to support aged care providers through a new Government-funded Basic Daily Fee supplement of $10 per resident per day, while continuing the 30% increase in the homelessness and viability supplements

  • $216.7 million to upskill the workforce and enhance nurse leadership and clinical skills through additional nursing scholarships and places in the Aged Care Transition to Practice Program

Mental health and suicide prevention

The $2 billion National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan funds a range of initiatives including the enhancement and expansion of digital mental health services, universal aftercare for those who have made a suicide attempt, and a network of Head of Health adult mental health centres and satellites to provide coordinated multi-disciplinary care.

Royal Commission into defence and veteran suicide

The Government has committed to $174.2 million over two years from 2021-22 for a Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide.

National Recovery and Resilience Agency established

A new national agency, the National Recovery and Resilience Agency will be created to support local communities during the relief and recovery phases following major disasters, and provide advice on policies and programs to mitigate the impact of future major disaster events. $600m will be invested in a new program of disaster preparation and mitigation, managed by the new agency.


What Changes on 1 July 2021?


The 2021-22 Federal Budget: Education, Skills & Training